Produce Delivery, Monday 2/21

Four Seasons Produce:
Apples, Gala — Washington State
Apples, SugarBee — Washington State
Avocados, Hass — Mexico
Bananas, Fair Trade — Ecuador/Peru
Bok Choy, Baby — Florida
Broccoli — Arizona/California
Broccoli Rabe — Arizona/California
Brussels Sprouts — Mexico
Leeks — California
Lemons — California
Mangoes, Ataulfo — Mexico
Mushrooms, Portobello — Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Mushrooms, Shiitake — New Jersey/Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Onions, Red — California/Nevada
Potatoes, Gold — Canada
Squash, Butternut — Mexico
Squash, Kabocha — Mexico
Thyme — Colombia

Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative:
Cabbage, Green — Florida
Kale, Lacinato — Florida
Lettuce, Romaine — Florida
Mandarins, Murcott — California
Mushrooms, Cremini — Chester County, PA (LOCAL)
Oranges, Blood — California
Radishes, Baby Watermelon — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)
Shallots — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)
Watercress — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)

Both orders are scheduled to arrive in the morning. Please note that items may be out of stock at the time of delivery. All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.

Produce Delivery, Monday 2/14

Four Seasons Produce:
Apples, Granny Smith — Washington State
Artichokes, Globe — Mexico
Avocados, Hass — Mexico
Bananas, Fair Trade — Ecuador/Peru
Blueberries — Chile
Broccoli — Arizona/California
Broccoli Rabe — Arizona/California
Carrots — California
Cauliflower — California
Celery — California
Cilantro — California
Cucumbers, Slicing — Mexico
Ginger — Peru
Green Beans — Mexico
Kiwi — California
Lemons, Meyer — California
Lettuce, Romaine — Florida
Limes — Mexico
Mandarins — California
Oranges, Cara Cara — California
Parsley, Curly — Florida
Potatoes, Gold — Canada

Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative:
Beets, Chioggia — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)
Collard Greens — Florida
Dandelion Greens, Young — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)
Mushrooms, Cremini — Chester County, PA (LOCAL)
Potatoes, Purple Viking — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)

Both orders are scheduled to arrive in the morning. Please note that items may be out of stock at the time of delivery. All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.

Supply notes: Baby arugula, rosemary, scallions, cherry tomatoes, and grape tomatoes are in limited supply and will be ordered later this week if available.

Produce Delivery, Monday 1/31

Co-op hours:

Monday: 12 to 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 12 to 7 p.m. 
Wednesday: 4 to 7 p.m.
Thursday: 12 to 7 p.m.
Friday: 12 to 7 p.m.
Saturday: 1 to 5 p.m.
Sunday: 12 to 6 p.m.
*Please call ahead of time to confirm the co-op is open: 212.674.3623.

Apples, Fuji — Washington State
Apples, Gala — Washington State
Avocados, Hass — Mexico
Bananas, Fair Trade — Ecuador/Peru
Blueberries — Mexico
Bok Choy, Baby — Florida
Broccoli — Arizona/California
Broccoli Rabe — Arizona/California
Brussels Sprouts — Mexico
Carrots — California
Celery — Mexico
Cucumbers, Slicing — Mexico
Garlic — California
Ginger — Peru
Kale, Green Curly — Florida
Kumquats, Centennial — California
Leeks — California
Lemons — California
Lettuce, Romaine — Florida
Mangoes, Ataulfo — Mexico
Mushrooms, Cremini — Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Mushrooms, Shiitake — New Jersey/Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Onions, Yellow — California/Nevada
Oranges, Blood (Moro) — California
Oranges, Navel— California
Pears, Anjou — Washington State
Peppers, Red Bell — Mexico
Scallions — California
Squash, Kabocha — Mexico
Starfruit — Florida
Sweet Potatoes, Japanese — California
Tangerines, TDE — California
Thyme — USA
Tomatoes, Beefsteak — Canada

This order from Four Seasons Produce is scheduled to arrive in the morning. Please note that items may be out of stock at the time of delivery. All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.

Produce Delivery, Friday 1/28 [closed on Saturday, 1/29]

Co-op hours:
Friday: 12 to 7 p.m.
[Saturday: closed]
Sunday: 12 to 6 p.m.
*Please call ahead of time to confirm we’re open: 212.674.3623.

Dandelion Greens, Young Red — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)
Green Beans — FloridaKale, Lacinato — FloridaMushrooms, Shiitake — Chester County, PA (LOCAL)
Potatoes, Gold — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)Spinach — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)
Sweet Potatoes, Beauregard — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)Tatsoi (Rosette Bok Choy) — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)

This order from Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative arrived earlier today. All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.

Produce Delivery, Friday 1/21

Mushrooms, Cremini — Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Mushrooms, Shiitake — Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Oranges, Cara Cara — California

Four Seasons Produce:
Apples, Pink Lady — Washington State
Apples, SugarBee — Washington State
Avocados, Hass — Mexico
Bananas, Fair Trade — Ecuador/Peru
Bok Choy, Baby — Florida
Broccoli — California
Brussels Sprouts — Mexico
Carrots — California
Collard Greens — Florida
Grapefruit, Melogold — California
Kale, Lacinato — Florida
Leeks — California
Lemons — California
Oranges, Navel — California
Pears, Bosc — Oregon/Washington State
Peppers, Red Bell — Mexico
Pineapple — Costa Rica
Scallions — California
Spinach — California
Squash, Butternut — Mexico

Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative:
Beets,  Red — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)
Dandelion Greens, Young — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)
Green Beans — Florida
Potatoes, Gold — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)
Sweet Potatoes, Beauregard — Lancaster County, PA (LOCAL)

These orders arrived in the morning.  All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.

Produce Delivery, Monday 1/17

Apples, SugarBee — Washington State
Arugula, Baby — Arizona/California
Avocados, Hass — Mexico
Bananas, Fair Trade — Ecuador/Peru
Broccoli — Arizona/California
Broccoli Rabe — Arizona/California
Brussels Sprouts — Mexico
Carrots — California
Celery — Mexico
Cilantro — California
Cucumbers, Slicing — Mexico
Feijoa (Pineapple Guava) — California
Garlic — California
Grapefruit — California
Kale, Lacinato — Florida
Lemons — California
Lettuce, Romaine — Florida
Mandarins (Cuties) — California
Mangoes — Peru
Mushrooms, Cremini — Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Mushrooms, Royal Trumpet (King Oyster) — Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Mushrooms, Shiitake — New Jersey/Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Onions, Yellow — California/Nevada
Oranges, Blood (Moro) — California
Rosemary — Mexico
Shallots — California
Spinach — California
Squash, Butternut — Mexico
Sweet Potatoes, Japanese — California
Thyme — Colombia
Tomatoes, Beefsteak — Canada

This order from Four Seasons Produce arrived in the morning.  All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.

Produce Delivery, Monday 12/27

Apples, Granny Smith — Washington State
Apples, Piñata — Washington State
Avocados, Hass — Mexico
Bananas, Fair Trade — Ecuador/Peru
Broccoli — Arizona/California
Brussels Sprouts — Mexico
Carrots — California
Celery — California
Cilantro — California
Collard Greens — Florida
Cucumbers, Slicing — Mexico
Eggplant, Italian — Florida
Garlic — California
Lemons — California
Lettuce, Romaine — Florida
Mandarins — California
Mangoes, Keitt — California
Mushrooms, Cremini — Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Mushrooms, Shiitake — New Jersey/Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Oranges, Cara Cara — California
Pears, Comice — Oregon/Washington State
Spinach — California
Sweet Potatoes, Japanese — California
Tomatoes, Beefsteak — Canada
Tomatoes, Grape — Florida

Supply notes: Locally grown beets will arrive on Wednesday; Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative has a limited delivery schedule this holiday season. Broccoli rabe and grapefruit are in limited supply and will be ordered for Tuesday if available.

This order from Four Seasons Produce is scheduled to arrive in the morning. Please note that items may be out of stock at the time of delivery. All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.

Produce Delivery, Monday 12/06

Four Seasons Produce:
Apples, Pink Lady — Washington State
Apples, SugarBee — Washington State
Arugula, Baby — Arizona/California
Avocados, Hass — Mexico
Bananas, Fair Trade — Ecuador/Peru
Broccoli — Arizona/California
Broccoli Rabe — Arizona/California
Cucumbers, Slicing — Mexico
Green Beans — Mexico
Kiwi — Italy
Lemons — California
Limes — Mexico
Mandarins — California
Mangoes — Ecuador
Mushrooms, Grey Oyster — Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Oranges, Navel — California
Pears, Red Bartlett — Washington State
Peppers, Mini Sweet — Florida
Pomegranates — California
Tomatoes, Beefsteak — Canada/Mexico

Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative (Lancaster County, PA):
Brussels Sprouts
Kale, Green Curly
Onions, Red
Squash, Butternut
Sweet Potatoes, Garnet
Sweet Potatoes, Molokai Purple
Turnips, Hakurei

Both orders are scheduled to arrive by early afternoon. Please note that items may be out of stock at the time of delivery. All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.

Produce Delivery, Friday 12/03

Four Seasons Produce:
Apples, Gala — Washington State
Avocados, Hass (Fair Trade) —  Mexico
Bananas (Fair Trade) — Ecuador/Peru
Blueberries — Peru
Ginger — Peru
Kale, Lacinato — Florida
Lemons — California
Lemons, Meyer — California
Mandarins, Satsuma — California
Oranges, Navel — California
Pears, Bartlett — Washington State
Persimmons, Fuyu — California
Potatoes, Russet — Wisconsin

Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative (Lancaster County, PA):
Beets, Red
Bok Choy, Baby
Brussels Sprouts
Cabbage, Red Napa
Carrots, Orange
Collard Greens
Lettuce, Green Leaf
Onions, Yellow
Parsley, Italian
Potatoes, Yukon Gold

The following items arrived on Thursday and are in good supply: cauliflower, cremini mushrooms, portobello mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, spinach, honeynut squash, roma tomatoes, zucchini.

Both orders are scheduled to arrive by early afternoon. Please note that items may be out of stock at the time of delivery. All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.

Produce Delivery, Monday 11/29

Broccoli — Arizona/California
Celery — Arizona/California

Four Seasons Produce:
Apples, Ambrosia — Canada
Apples, Fuji — Washington State
Avocados, Hass — Mexico
Bananas, Fair Trade — Ecuador/Peru
Broccoli Rabe — California
Burdock Root (Gobo) — Wisconsin
Cilantro — California
Cucumbers, Slicing — Mexico
Garlic — California
Grapefruit — Mexico
Kale, Lacinato — Florida
Lettuce, Green Butter — California
Limes — Mexico
Mandarins, Satsuma — California
Mushrooms, Grey Oyster — Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Mushrooms, Shiitake — New Jersey/Pennsylvania (LOCAL)
Onions, White — California/Nevada
Oranges, Navel — California
Pears, Red Anjou — Washington State
Peppers, Jalapeño — Florida
Peppers, Red Bell — Mexico
Persimmons, Fuyu — California
Persimmons, Hachiya — California
Pomegranates — California

Both orders are scheduled to arrive by early afternoon. Please note that items may be out of stock at the time of delivery. All of our produce is grown to meet or exceed organic standards.